Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Washington Redskins May Change Their Name

The Washington Redskins may be changing their name. For years a number of Native American organizations have been protesting the name. With racial tensions getting worse in America, it seems that renaming the football team could happen. It will take some time to change signs and merchandise. The fans will most likely be divided over the name change. The term has racist connotations. Redskin was a word used to dehumanize the American Indian. The United States has a long history of Indian removal, genocide, and confinement to reservations. When the Indian Wars drew to a close, there was an effort to eliminate Native American history and culture. This involved sending children to boarding schools as a means of "civilizing" them. Injustices still continue with high levels of poverty on reservations and discrimination. The Redskins have a history of being resistant to integrating African American players into their team. George Preston Marshall the founder of the Redskins refused to have the football team accept African American players. Only when pressured in 1962 by the federal government did he sign on an African American athlete. The football team was founded in 1932 and originally called the Boston Braves. This would not be the first time the name has changed. The name should be changed to overcome the legacy of racism, however that should not be the only reform.