Monday, September 13, 2021

The Afghan Women's Soccer Team Has Been Evacuated


After 20 years, the Taliban has returned to power. The invasion was justified by the US-NATO force as a mission to stop terrorism and dismantle Al-Qaeda. The myth was that the US and its allies were winning. The fall of the government is no shock to observers who monitored the conditions of the country. Women's sports did get a boost without the Taliban's restrictive laws . The Afghan women's soccer team was at least one of the few positive developments in Afghanistan. The athletes have been evacuated to Italy and Australia. Afghan women will have to seek sports opportunities elsewhere. This only harms the country seeing as its sports talent will flee. The return of the theocratic regime means more restrictions on basic rights of citizens. Women will be effected the worst, seeing as the more religious a society there is less concern about women's rights. While the escape was successful, the life of a refugee is not easy. The 9/11 attacks induced a wave of anti-Muslim sentiment. The war in Afghanistan and Iraq made exacerbated it further. Women's sports in Afghanistan are about to be non-existent under a new Taliban regime.